The Israel Game
A point earning game for all the following things you do, see, engage with during our trip. Daily there are things to engage in as we travel together. But you’ll want to read all the point earning opportunities below, so you don’t miss anything.
The person with the most points each day is declared the daily winner at dinner and will receive a pin to display on his or her nametag lanyard. The Grand Prize winner is the one with the total highest points for the whole trip will receive a Prize and be featured on our website in a picture and a mini-interview with quotes describing your winning strategy. You’ll turn in your sheets on the bus to go back to the hotel before dinner on our last day. The winner will be announced at our finale dinner right before we head to the airport when we announce your scores. Earning Points:
+1 category Fishbowl—each round winner Alphabet game winner Each new food you try from the buffet (must be at least two bites swallowed to count). Running count on back of sheet. Record the highest altitude we visited in Israel. _______ Record the lowest point’s altitude _________. Share with the group a unique fact about a site that the guide didn’t mention. (Multiple point earner in this question) Learning and using a new Hebrew word (one point for each word, but only one point per word). List words on back as you use them. Name Bible-mentioned animals that you see AND provide a verse reference for each one. 1 point each (use back). +2 category Fishbowl—overall winner of whole game Alef-bet game winner (Hebrew) Find a new food you like? Ask someone from the kitchen how it is prepared. Asking the guide a thoughtful question. Answering the guide’s questions when he asks. Short skits: Participating in acting out a story on site for the group. Big Chunks of Points Category: + 5 points: Toilet flushing game. The person who can tell me (& name) the most different ways you saw to flush the toilet at the end of the trip. (no pictures please!! LOL). +10 points: Map Orienteering: Drop a pin on your GPS app and label the site. Must have at least 20 sites labeled, can be more. + 15/ +10/ +7 points (for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place): Complete the Cypher Riddles Game (below). + 20 points: Selfies Game. For each person who completes all 20 selfies, eligible only as a full 20 points for all 20 selfies. The Cypher Riddles Discovery Hunt: Turn in to the score keeper when you’ve completed all the answers. 1. Freedom in the City of Brotherly Love cracked me up and I was duplicated into a new home. What am I and where is the duplicate located in Israel? _________________________, _____________________ 2. Find me wearing my silk pajamas AND a hat. __________________(date) __________________ (place) 3. Taste the answer to Sampson’s riddle, what am I and where/when did you eat it in Israel? ______________________, _________________________________ 4. Pressed down shaken together and running over? What am I and where did you see me? ________________ , _________________________________ 5. I only run track! What am I? and what year did I first move to Jerusalem? ______________ _________ 6. I look like I could take off for another galaxy far, far away at any moment. What am I and in which town am I located? ____________________, _____________________ 7. I am a multiple-stone bee that has an attitude. What am I and where am I located? _______________________, _____________________. 8. Who is a prophet wielding a sword? And what is his view? ________________ ____________________ 9. Neither are suitable for swimming, but at which site are these two Biblical pools located: Pool of Siloam _________________, Pool of Bethesda_____________________. 10. The name of a Jewish “pulpit”? and where did you see one where Jesus likely stood and preached?__________________ where? ______________________________ 11. Wearing a fancy dress, I proudly spit on top of the famous olive mountain. What am I and where do I work? _____________, _____________________________. 12. Once a thriving Christian community, I got frozen in time. What is the name of this town ____________________ and what froze me? ______________________ 13. What is green and turquoise and fertile and refreshing? _____________________ 14. What goes two directions and two more directions and but also goes all the way around? _________________________________________________ 15. Who forged a snake path with no snakes? _________________________ and where does it lead? __________________________ Game of 20 Selfies. To earn these 20 points each participant must take a selfie at or with each of the following items/people/places. (Place a date in the lines below so you can find the selfie more easily in your picture rolls).
Downloadable version to print for your trip. You need the score card whether you print the game from the file or the website.