Why RuthHave you ever read the story of Ruth and Naomi? It is not only filled with family drama, a bitter mother-in-law and a great romance, but when examined as an allegory, can offer Christians a great model for relationship with Israel and the Jewish People who live near us. MORE
Why The Olive TreeWhen the Bible talks about olive trees it is alluding to the nation and people of Israel.
Romans 9, 10 & 11 use the Olive Tree to represent Israel in an unusual way to the modern reader. What is all this wild and cultivated, and grafting, lopping off, and burning of branches? MORE |
Why push buttons
What is Zionism? Why does it stir such violent and wonderful emotion in people? Why would we use a word that is controversial the globe? How can we use the phrase Christian Zionism? This term Zion shouldn't need an explanation, but it gets one here. MORE